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SIENA Museums and galleries - Bologna-Buonsignori museum

Opposite the Monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli, at number 50 of Via Roma, stands the Museo Bologna-Buonsignori. This museum was opened to the public in 1983 after the Bologna-Buonsignori family generously donated its large collection to the Società di Esecutori di Pie Disposizioni.
The collection includes a broad assortment of archaeological finds from different periods, as well as paintings from the 15th to the 20th century, many drawings, ceramics, furniture and objets. Brought together by Clemente Bologna di Montepulciano, whose eclectic taste ranged from precious Etruscan ceramics to examples of Italo-geometric ceramics, Etrusco-Corinthian pieces, ceramics from Lucania and Campania, Attic vases, jewellery, majolica, weapons, coins and paintings, the entire collection is housed in the building opposite the Museo delle Pie Disposizioni and is remarkable because it perfectly reflects the tastes of a single, private collector.

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